Lentune Wholesaler
- CASHBOOK Read about Lentune's Cash Book
- RECEIVABLES Read about Lentune's Receivables
- PAYABLES Managing your Payables Ledger
- POINT OF SALE Learn about Point of Sale processes
- QUOTES / ESTIMATING / TENDERS Creating Quotes, Estimating and Tenders
- CUSTOMER PORTAL Your customers can access their own Quotes, Orders, Invoices and Statements from your Lentune system
- LENTUNE MOBILE APPS The mobile apps for Wholesalers
- STOCK Stock Management
- FIXED ASSETS Managing your Fixed Assets
- GENERAL LEDGER Learn about the General Ledger
- ANALYTICS & REPORTING Analytics and Reports
- PIMS The Price Information Management System
- CRM Customer Relationship Management
- DEPOSITS The Lentune Deposits Module
- RELEASE NOTES Release Notes for our Wholesaler Users
- SET UP & SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Setting up and Maintaining your Lentune system